How to Increase the Speed of Mozilla Firefox

There are number of different web browsers being used these days. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox are a few most commonly used web browsers. If you use Mozilla Firefox to browse the internet but are experiencing very slow page loading speed, there are a number of ways to fix the problem. One of the possible ways is to modify some of the advanced setting those are configured by default. Here is what you need to do in order to increase the speed of Mozilla Firefox and make it load web pages faster.


  • 1

    Launch a new session of Mozilla Firefox and type ‘about:config’ without the quotes in the address bar. Press the Enter key and you will be directed to a warning page.

  • 2

    Click the button labelled ‘I’ll be careful, I promise!’

  • 3

    In the search bar, type ‘network.http’, again without the quotes and press the Enter key. Under the column labelled ‘Preference Name’, look for the entry named ‘network.http.pipelining’. Check the value again ‘network.http.pipelining’. In case the value of this field is set to ‘false’, double click it. This will change the value of the field to ‘true’. This will considerably reduce the time that Firefox takes to load a webpage.

  • 4

    Under the ‘Preference Name’ column, locate the Boolean labelled ‘network.http.pipelining.maxrequests’. Change the value of this field to 8 from its default value of 4. Furthermore, change the value of the Boolean labelled ‘network.http.proxy.pipelining’ from ‘false’ to ‘true’.

  • 5

    In the search bar, type ‘network.dns’ without the quotes. Under the column labelled ‘Preference Name’, find the ‘network.dns.disableIPv6’ entry. Change the value of this field to ‘true’ from its default value of ‘false’.

  • 6

    In the window in which you are working, right click and point to ‘New’. Choose the option labelled ‘Boolean’. A box labelled ‘New boolean value’ will pop up on the screen. Type ‘content.interrupt.parsing’ without the quotes and click the button labelled ‘OK’. A new box labelled ‘Enter boolean value’ will pop up on the screen. Select ‘true’ as the value of the Boolean you are creating and click the button labelled ‘OK’. When you have configured this option, Mozilla will get the ability to interrupt page parsing. In simple words, Mozilla Firefox will load web pages much faster than before.

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