How to Install a Spoiler on a Car

Spoiler is an aerodynamic device which is installed at the back or front of a car to increase its down-force and pickup. The spoilers which are installed at the front of the car are known as air dams because they give extra boost and reduce the flow of air at the bottom. Generally, spoilers are installed in sports vehicles as racing drivers need extra pace and down-force to keep the cars on track on sharp curves.
Installing a spoiler on a car is not so difficult. All you need is to follow a simple procedure and some specialized tools to get the job done.
Things Required:
– Spoiler
– Permanent marker
– Wrenches
– Safety goggles
– Drill and bits
– Shop vacuum
– Small sander
– Touch-up paint
First of all, you have to measure the width and length of the lid of your car’s trunk. You must take the brace structure into consideration as well while taking the measurements so as to determine the right place to install the spoiler. It is extremely important for you to take all the measurements carefully otherwise you will not get the desired down-force and increased pick-up.
You must get a spoiler which is best for your car. Just take the measurements along while going for purchasing the spoiler from the market and buy the most suitable one. You may have to mold the spoiler a little bit in order to match it with the measurements of your car’s trunk.
Start putting the spoiler wings brackets together. For that, you will have to carefully tighten the bolts which are holding the spoiler brackets. Make sure that you tightened the bolts well before moving to the next step.
Take the drill machine and make the holes on your trunk where you want to install the spoiler. Please make sure that the spoiler is installed in the right direction. The holes must be large enough to allow the bolts to pass smoothly. Then, vacuum the scraps from the trunk of your car. You can use sander to make the holes smoother so that the bolts may pass them easily.
In the end, tighten the bolts by putting the washers and finish the installation of the spoiler.