How to Install Spacer Blocks for Ceiling Support

Ceiling cracks can be very ugly looking. The last thing you want to ruin the look of a well furnished room is a ceiling crack. To resolve a recurring ceiling crack, one of a few things you will need to do is some work in the attic where you will be installing wood blocking or spacer blocks between joists.

Things Required:

– 2×4 wooden spacer blocks
– Screws
– Cordless drill
– Drop Cloth
– Measuring tape


  • 1

    Installing spacer blocks for ceiling support can mean a fair amount for dust and debris on the floor. Before you start, completely cover the floor with a drop cloth. Apart from the floor, you need to cover every item in the room such as furniture, table lamps etc. This will make it a lot easier for you to clear off any fallen debris after you have completed the task at hand.

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  • 2

    Carefully enter the attic and roll back a portion of insulation to clear the area where you will be installing the 2x4 wooden spacer blocks. See if the spacer blocks fit between the ceiling joists. Do not try and force the spacer blocks into place because with the passage of time, these spacer blocks may swell a little, putting pressure on the joists and forcing them to move away from each other, thus making new cracks in the ceiling and causing more problems.

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  • 3

    If the spacer blocks are not a proper fit, measure the space between joists with a measuring tape. Use these readings to cut the spacer blocks to appropriate size. Lay them flat against the ceiling and screw them with a cordless drill to make sure they do not move. Place and screw one spacer block before moving on to the next one.

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  • 4

    After you have installed all the spacer blocks, remember to roll the insulation back to its original place.

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