How to Install Windows 7 on PS3

It is a scam. Do not fall for this no matter how tempting or credible the site or resource may seem to appear.

We have come across a number of websites and resources boasting how they can allow the user to run Windows 7 on their PlayStation 3 consoles. They sound fairly convincing as well, with a complete list of steps and how to back up one’s data on a USB so that the user can restore the system in case of any issues, a common practice for Sony and Microsoft, who both advocate this practice in their own support centres.

However, there are a number of reasons why, under no circumstances the user should attempt this procedure on their PlayStation 3 console because the golden rule on the internet is to be followed here. What is that golden rule we hear you ask? Well, it goes a little something like, ‘if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.’

Yet, in the interest of presenting some facts and convincing the reader that we are not party poopers but rather want what is in the best interest of our readers, we have come up with a few facts that should put any false hopes to rest.


  • 1

    Sony and Microsoft are both entangled in a war of fierce competition with each other over the home entertainment console market. Sony has the PlayStation 3 and Microsoft has the Xbox 360 currently circulating in the market at the moment. There is no way Microsoft will be willing to give Sony an edge in the multi-billion dollar industry by allowing Sony consoles to be able to run the Operating System while their own home console cannot.

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    The architecture of the Sony PlayStation 3 is not compatible with the basic requirements and specifications needed to run the Windows 7 Operating System. The PS3 only offers 512MB of RAM with the rest of the GPU dedicated for gaming and graphics.

  • 3

    The PlayStation 3 originally had Linux support but in an effort to cut costs and lower the price of the console it was scrapped in the newer, slimmer models of the console.

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