How to Introduce Guest Speakers

There is no particular accepted method to introduce your guest speaker. It also depends on the occasion. For example, if a guest speaker at your function or meeting is expected to announce some incentive package or a grant for your school etc, the tone of introduction might be different to a guest speaker who just there to honor the gathering.

An introduction of guest speaker should include details of academic and professional achievements of a person in a field and details of other activities, hobbies and interests. For example, a chief guest or guest speaker a social welfare function can be a person who has a genuine interest in social causes and is a renowned social worker. In this example, the person should be introduced by the efforts they have made to address a particular social issue over past many years.

It is better that guest speaker’s introduction covers some of important aspects of their life but the process of introduction should not be time consuming because it is likely that the audience will be keen to listen to the speaker directly, and they are anxious to see them on stage.


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    Reading Guest Speaker's Profile

    You should read information from profile of the guest speaker. Although the process is a bit time consuming, reading details of the speaker's achievements will be more appealing to the audience and they will know about the person before listening to their speech.

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    Use Projector To Highlight Key Points

    You can put some slides on a projector, provided you have enough time to introduce the guest speaker. It is better to compile slides based on bullet points on key achievements of the person. Do not give deep details about each bullet but hit every one of it.

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    Ask Questions

    You can deliberately plant a few questions to the guest speakers during the introduction, and the process should sound that you wanted to have approval of the speaker about certain aspects of his personality you have highlighted in the presentation. This will give an even better glimpse of the speaker's personality to the audience.

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    Organize Points in Story Format

    While compiling your introduction presentation, keep each point in a systematic order. You should give an introduction in a that way you are telling a story about the person. This will draw greater interest from the audience.

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    Alert Audience to be Ready to Listen to Guest Speaker

    While nearing end of introduction give some hints to your audience that you will not make them wait further to listen to the guest speaker and then go on to finish the introduction. This will alert the audience that the guest speaker is nearing to speak out and they will be more focused to the program.

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