How to Iron Vintage Linens

Vintage Linen fabric is generally used for various purposes as people not only use linen for clothing but also use it for table sheets and bed sheets etc. However, this delicate fabric is more prone to get damaged as compared to other types of fabrics. That is why vintage linen demands a little extra care especially when you iron this fabric. Ironing vintage linen requires you to be careful otherwise you will end up in tearing or scorching the fabric. If you do not know how to iron vintage linen properly, then keep reading this article for learning this art.
First of all, you should know that ironing the vintage linen is not ironing the other type of fabrics as a little bit extra heat can damage the fabric. Stay careful while ironing vintage linen and keep the iron moving constantly as even a few seconds stay of iron can cause the damage to the fabric.
Make sure you do not strain the fabric for ironing as it will cause scorch on the surface of the fabric. You should place the vintage linen on a flat surface and spread it without straining it in any direction.
Vintage linen is usually made with the mixture of cotton and linen and it is better to sprinkle water on it in order to make it a little damp before ironing it.
You can also fill your iron with distilled water which will produce steam while ironing and it keeps the fabric safe. However, you need to keep the temperature of iron medium to high.
You should start from the back side of vintage linen first and then flip over to the front size which will help you in saving the fabric from any sort of damage as the front side will remain safe if you fail to adjust the heat when you start ironing.
The large pieces of vintage linen like bed sheets or table sheets require a different method of ironing. You should start ironing these bed sheets or table sheets from the middle to sideways.
Try to keep the linen straight on a flat surface which will help in avoid creating any creases during ironing. However, do not try to stretch the fabric as it can cause damage.