How to Join Urban Book Clubs

Sharing with some one some thing interesting that you have just read can be a wonderful feeling for you, but if you do not find some one to share your thoughts about what you have read is very disappointing. Joining a Urban Book Club can satisfy your this need. It is not that difficult to find an Urban Book Club if you are in regular contact with books. This means you must be visiting book shops, libraries or reading newspaper and journals. These are the main sources where you can look for an Urban Club near your locality.
These clubs’ members often meet regularly and share their thoughts about what they have read and also share interesting topics they have read on recently. The exchange of information, especially if the club has some senior readers as its members, can improve your quality of reading. It can give you an exposure to quality topics within your interest area, or broaden your interest horizon and introduce you to some of writers who you may have never read before.
Also, if you have a critical view on a piece from any particular writer, club is the right place to let your thoughts out. You can yourself be judged for your view critically and this is a great way to improve quality of your opinion and can help observe things better.
Talk To People Near You
You can start with discussing your idea with your spouse, children, friends and even neighbors. It is likely that any one of them might hold some information about an Urban Club and can guide to its address. Some times you are not aware how much information people around hold about an activity or a place, so better start looking around you first. -
Ask At Your Local Library
As you a reader of books you must have been visiting your local library regularly. In that case you can ask a librarian at reception if he/she knows of an Urban Club. It is possible that a group of people might have been arranging a gathering at your local library regularly. For examples, some times libraries have a group of writers or readers who meet regularly for brain storming of ideas. Also check notice board of your library, it might display a pamphlet that can guide you to a club. -
Ask At Book Store
You can even ask at your local book store if they know about any Urban Club and can guide you to their address. It is to note that people who work with books on a daily basis are the most likely the ones who know of such clubs. So better ask at your books store to help you out. -
Read Newspapers/Journals
You might find address of an Urban Club in club sections of your local newspaper. It is better to check it regularly. Some times there is a posting on a weekly basis, so make you check in the weekend copy of the publication. -
Search Online
As they say, Google it, and you might be able to find contact details of an Urban Club near your locality. In this age of Google, you cannot skip online search for a club. In fact, you should start with it you do not prefer asking people about the details of a club.