How to Keep an Organized Inbox

With the increase in spam emails reaching people’s email inboxes, it has become really difficult to manage and organise your emails. It is really important that you should always try to manage your inbox on daily basis, or else, you may end up losing an important email lost in a huge crowd of spam emails.

There are different methods that you can follow to get rid of spam emails, and clean and organise your inbox in an efficient manner. You just need to know the basics of using your email client and the options available to manage your emails.


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    First of all, you need to open your email account. Go to your email inbox, if it does not open automatically after logging to your email account, or opening the email application.

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    In your inbox, you may only have emails, and no folders, depending on the level of organising you have done so far.

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    Read your emails and find commonalities in them, such as senders, type of emails and emails sent from specific groups. This will help in organising your inbox in a better way.

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    You can then create different sub folders in your main Inbox folder. Most of the email programs, and online email clients allow their users to create sub folders inside Inbox, allowing them to manage and organise their emails category wise. Here, you can create different folders for different category emails, and you can also differentiate them by different people who send you emails.

    For instance, you can create a folder named “Friends and Family” and then create two further folders in it and name then “Friends” and “Family”. Similarly, you can also create different folder for emails related to your office.

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    You can then start moving your emails to their respective folders and after you are done with moving all the important emails, you can delete all the spam and empty your inbox.

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    You can then check for your email settings and look for the options that allow you to set specific criteria to receive emails from different email addresses and with different subjects to their respective folders. For instance, you can specify the “Friends” folder for all your friends’ email addresses.

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    You have now organised your email inbox, and it will now be really easy to locate and read specific emails easily.

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