How to Keep Dogs Warm in the Winter

Like humans, dogs need extra care and protection from the cold in the winters. Although they have natural fur and hair to provide insulation, it is not enough at times to protect them from the harsh winters. You have to make extra efforts to make your pet comfortable and protect him from chills, respiratory and sinus problems and even arthritis. Some dogs are more susceptible to get affected in winters like those with less hair, dobermans and greyhounds. Others are good at keeping themselves insulated and need minimal help. Our step by step guide has some tips on how to make life easier for your dog during the winters.


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    Keep them Sheltered:

    It is better if you keep your dog indoors so that he gets the heating facilities inside. However, if you want him to stay out, you should build him a dog house that protects him from rain, snow and cold winds. The roof of the dog shelter should be sloped so that rain and snow does not accumulate on it. Cover the entrance when it is snowing hard. Some people even install a heater in their dog house to give maximum protection.

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    Inside the dog house, make a bed for the dog. It can be a straw bed. However, you will have to change and top it up regularly. A blanket or an oldĀ mattressĀ can also work. Cover not only the bedding but also the entire floor of the dog house with a layer of stray or fabric so that their feet do not come in contact with the snow or wet ground directly.

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    Coats and Booties:

    Coats and sweater for dogs are easily available in the market. Not only do they offer extra layers of protection to their dog, the sweaters and coats look really cute over the pets. Booties that fit the dog feet like shoes help prevent their feet from direct contact with the cold ground. These are very effective when you take out the dog for a walk.

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    Do not cut or trim your dog's hair and fur during the winters because it is going to offer him protection from the cold. However, do comb it regularly so that there are no knots. Brush off their fur whenever they pass through a snow shower so that there are no snow deposits stuck to their scalp.

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    Feed Them Regularly:

    Dogs need more food in winters to keep their body heat high with the energy. Feed them regularly because they will be needing it to maintain their body temperature.

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    Avoid taking them on walks when it is severely cold. This means you will have to cut the number of morning walks when it is cold and shift them to a time when it is warmer. However, your dog does need exercise in winters to keep the blood circulation. Play indoor games with him to make up for the walks. When taking on walks, cover your dog properly with coats and booties.

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    The number of baths in a week have to be reduced. While bathing, use warm water like you would for yourself. Dry up your dog well right after the bath.

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