How to Keep Skin Moisturized in the Winter

Dry skin is the most common problem during winters as low temperature; less humidity and strong but dry wind diminish the natural moistness of your skin. Moreover, the artificial heating sources also damage your skin.
However, it is possible to keep a silky smooth skin during winter if you do a couple of things regularly. Remember, you do not need to add extra moisture rather all you need to do is to preserve that natural moisture of your skin.
Avoid hot water:
Mostly people like to take bath in smoking hot water. It is very dangerous as this hot temperature along with drying chemicals damage your skin badly. If you cannot resist the temptation of hot tubs then it is better to take shower once in a day. Setting your hot water heater on mild temperature is also a good idea to avoid dryness. -
Scrub your skin:
You should scrub your skin before taking bath as it will remove the dead skin and help you in maintaining healthy skin. -
Avoid drying soaps:
You should avoid drying soaps to wash your face. You may replace them with a moisturising scrubs or bath oils that contain glycerine or petrolatum as main ingredients. -
After shower body lotions:
Apply moisturising lotion or cold cream after taking shower. You better stick with organic moisturiser like coconut oil as it will help you to get rid of dryness and itchiness. -
Facial masks:
You can perk up your skin by using moisturising masks on your face. It does not mean that you start spending a significant amount of money in some expensive spa. You can make your own masks like avocados and honey, brown sugar scrub, dark chocolate and milk mask at home. -
Fish oil:
If you are afraid of medicines then stay close to nature. You can use fish oil pills to get rid of super dry skin. However, you will have to be consistent as it will take around six weeks to show significant results. -
Drink plenty of water:
During winter, most of the people do not follow the universal rule of “eight glasses a day”. You should drink plenty of water to provide your skin the required lipid layer. Water pacifies your skin in harsh and dry surroundings. -
Cover your body properly:
Do not expose your skin to dry climate rather use gloves, socks, shawls or hats to cover your skin. Wear warm outfits to have flawless skin.