How to Kiai in Karate

Karate is the most popular form of martial arts. It makes you mentally and physically prepared to cope up with your enemies. In addition, it makes your mind stronger to get manage your body moves. Although, it was originated in the ancient Japan, but with the passage of time it spread around the whole world and has been deemed as arguably the best form of self-defence.

Before starting your karate session, you have to yell to intimidate yourself against your opponent. The sound which you make is called ‘Kiai’. It helps you to focus and to gather your energy to make the moves.


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    First of all, you should have faith in yourself. Don’t feel shy and be confident. You can boost up your confidence by watching others.

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    Before going for Kiai, you have to make sure that you are allowed to do it. Your coach will instruct you about it.

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    You should always keep in your mind that Kiai is only meant to boost up your morale and to prepare yourself for attack. Besides, it acts as an alarm for your opponent to get ready for action.

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    Before using it, you have to take a deep breath, strike your opponent and say Kiai.

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