How to Knit In the Round on Circular Needles

Knitting in the round with circular needles is confusing and can be a difficult task. You must be doing everything perfectly if you want the end result to be what you have in mind. First, you must cast a round of stitches to lay the foundation. The next thing you need to do is to place the start and end of the cast-on which will give you a clear idea of when to end the first round. Continue the stitching process until you reach the placed marker.

Things Required:

– Circular needles
– Marker
– Yarn


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    Cast a foundation of stitches

    First of all, you need to cast a foundation of stitches on both the needles. This is similar to what you do in straight knitting and is extremely helpful. One of the important things is to notice that there are no twisted stitches in the foundation as the knitting will be affected afterwards.

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    Place the start and end of cast-on

    After laying the foundation, it is vital that you place the start and end of the cast-on. The start of the cast-on should be on the left hand whereas the end of the cast-on should be on the right hand. This may be a bit confusing so place a marker on the right hand so that you remember whenever you start knitting. The marker will also let you know that the round has ended.

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    Knit the first stitch on the left circular needle

    You must then knit you first stitch on the left needle by pulling the loop which is on the right circular needle. One important thing is to pull the knit tightly so that there is no hole in it.

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    Continue to stitch periodically

    You must continue the same process of stitching. Arrange the stitches in a periodic manner so that they do not get twisted. Remember to take your time and do not rush through this process.

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    Complete the round when you reach the end of cast-on

    You must continue with the process until you reach the marker as this will mean that you have finished the first round. You can slip the marker again to the right needle and complete the number of rounds you need.

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