How to Know If your Computer Gets Hacked

If you are too paranoid about the security of your computer, you need to realise that most of the problems that your workstation or laptop is facing are not because your thing has been hacked. On the contrary, it is more common for a computer to be hijacked than hacked. And if in the worst case scenario your computer does get hacked, it would be hard to figure it all out as nothing will be visible that would tell you that you system has been compromised. However, there are a few common things that would help you see whether you have been hacked or not.


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    In some cases, you might be able to come across new programs and files on your computer. If you are the only person who uses the computer and there are programs installed that you have never done, this might be a sign of a hacked system. However, there are other reasons too why a new program pops out of nowhere.

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    Most of the OS and other programs receive regular updates that automatically install new programs and files without asking for your permission if you have restricted your security settings to a nominal level.

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    When you install a program, other supporting programs for the particular program might also have been installed like plugins, free programs and internet toolbars. So to make sure that extra files are not installed, try un-checking extra installation options.

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    Now that you know how unknown yet innocent files show up, give a look at the Backdoors and Trojans that are by far the most common programs that are installed on computers after they get hacked. These programs jeopardise the security of the system and allow the hacker to remotely access your computer.

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    IRC clients are also another way for a hacker to remotely control thousands of computers. If you have not been a participant of an IRC chat, your computer might have been hacked without your knowledge.

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    Spyware, malware and rogue antivirus programs are a real pain in the neck and are another indication of a hacked computer. However, these aforementioned programs come into your computer while you were using internet.

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    There are times when an online account is hacked, the hacker then changes the password of your account. In order to recover your account, use the forget password feature in order to reset your password. If that does not work, try contacting your company as they will be able to reset your account.

    The same can happen with your computer’s login password.

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