How to Know When Enough Is Enough

After going out with your partner for some time, you will surely know when enough is enough. Be aware of the fact that this does not necessarily need to be a really long time. You can get tired of your other half in a short time as well depending on how much he/she annoys you. There will be some things that you will not be able to bear over time. A major reason for that is a problem in communicating with each other. It is vital to understand the person you are dating. There are a couple of ways to know when enough is enough.
Getting started
You can get irritated and annoyed during your relationship over various reasons. You will not like it if he or she lies to you and keeps breaking promises again and again. On the other hand, changing and contradicting statements is also a big turn off. Make sure you know that women do not like if the guy acts immature. Moreover, you can give up on the relationship if the other person has anger issues and regularly vents it out on you. Understand that spending your life with someone who has an anger management problem is very difficult. -
Disagreement problems
If the person you are dating is argumentative this suggests that you two do not agree on majority of the things. The relationship suffers when there are conflicting personalities. Most of the time, you feel suffocated if you are with a controlling man or woman who wants you to change according to their wish. Due to this you will say enough is enough and you cannot date that person any longer. Know that these types of people will never be happy with you as they do not accept you as you are. -
Trust issues
Another major problem is of mistrust and a lot of relationships end due to these issues. Jealousy is a very dangerous thing for couples. If you think that the guy or girl is just interested in you because of the physical aspect, then just end things before you get in too deep and get hurt. On the other hand, if you believe the other person is very clingy and does not allow you enough space, you can say to him or her that enough is enough and you want to end the relationship and move on.