How to Know When to Use Six Sigma

It is vital to understand the purpose and importance of six sigma before it can be used efficiently. The method seeks to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing the causes of defects and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business processes.

It is an extremely smart and effective technique used to overcome reliability issues and solve complex business problems. Although the methodology is complex and time consuming, the rewards attached to it are also significant.

Essentially, the six sigma methodology helps the users achieve perfection. Furthermore, this technique allows businesses to reduce the risks. Large scale organisations, especially manufacturers, aim to achieve less than 4 defects per million samples and six sigma tools can help them do that.


  • 1

    Draw up a project charter:

    Although there are a number of ways to evaluate business progress and failure, none of them is as good as the tools provided by six sigma technique. Before doing anything else, you will be required to draw up a project charter. Consider reviewing all sections using the questions given in step 3 and 4.

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    Review the problem statement:

    Do not forget to review the problem and process it in detail before taking any actions. If the problem is too simple, you may not even need to use the six sigma technique. You will be able to identify how a problem is affecting your business’ profitability and progress by performing this task.

  • 3

    Review the time line and collect information:

    Find answers to questions such as: do you have enough time to perform a full-scale Six Sigma technique on your projecct? Is it really effective? Do you have an alternate?

    Gather as much data as you can to apply the six sigma strategy successfully. You may choose not to use the sigma six if you do not have enough information.

  • 4

    Take advice from your team members:

    Is everyone happy with the solution offered by the sigma six technique? Is the project cost effective? Are you going to spend most of your resources on conducting this study?

    You will be required to find answers to all these questions before going ahead with the project. Once you have addressed these questions, you will be able to make a determination as to whether you should proceed with a Six Sigma or not. Learning this skill will give you greater control over portfolio management and project resources.

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