How to Know Your Singing Range

Voice, as well as any function of the body, is unique and has specific properties. Each person can learn, and as a result of systematic training, and significantly expand the sonic range.

Range in music – the sound volume of the singing voice, instrument and scale tones – is defined by the interval between upper and lower range of sounds.

To learn to sing, it is important from the start to know the range in your voice. It can be difficult to determine because the singing voice can be quite different from the one you use in everyday life. Ordinary healthy person in principle have a suitable pitch both for speech and singing.


  • 1

    If you decide to learn the art of singing, contact any music teacher first. The specialist will help to know the range of your voice using a musical instrument and to identify the most upper and lower notes you can play. During the test, try to sing a note in tune with a musical instrument and not just "hold out" your voice.

  • 2

    Based on the different method, you can define the range of your voice alone. Use any musical instrument by trying to sing a song in the lower chord. Gradually go to the top pitch.

  • 3

    Remember that during a normal conversation, you use only a tenth of your full vocal range. But with the right training and methodological constant training voice range can be greatly expanded. Typically, the increase is due to the increase of the upper limit of the range.

  • 4

    Using the method of supplementing the special training for singers, expand your vocal range and quality with breathing exercises. Watch your posture - stiffness in the body interferes with proper breathing, which means - beautiful singing and free speech.

  • 5

    To correctly identify your voice range, select the corresponding solo repertoire that does not reload your ligaments. Checking voice parameters may require not only the singers, but people involved in singing to improve.

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