How to Laser Bore Sight a Rifle Scope

If you recently bought a rifle but need to sight it before you can aim perfectly, a laser bore sighting device is your best option. These devices will not cost much and come in two types; bullet-shaped and end-mounted. An end-mounted device will fit a variety of calibres whereas a bullet-shaped device will fit only one specific calibre. Here is what you will need in order to bore sight your rifle using either of the two devices.

Things Required:

– Laser bore sighting device (bullet-shaped or end-mounted)
– Scoped rifle
– Paper target


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    Make sure that there are no bullets in the magazine of your rifle. Remove any bullets loaded to empty the magazine.

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    If it is a bullet-shaped laser bore sighting device that you are using to sight the rifle, install the laser using the bolt of the rifle. For an end-mounted laser bore sighting device, simply insert it into the rifle’s barrel.

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    The bullet-shaped laser bore sighting device will be activated automatically as soon as you close the bolt of the rifle. However, you will have to activate an end-mounted laser bore sighting device by turning the switch at its side.

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    See through the scope of the sighting device, observe a paper target, and make a note of where the laser is striking the target.

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    Adjust the position of the scope's crosshairs until the point at which the crosshairs are intersecting is the same as the point where the laser beam is hitting the target. If you want to adjust the horizontal crosshairs, rotate the dial on the scope’s side; clockwise if you want move the horizontal crosshair right and anticlockwise if you want to move the horizontal crosshair left. In order to adjust the vertical crosshairs, rotate the dial on the scope’s top; counter clockwise if you want to move the vertical crosshair up and clockwise if you want to move the vertical crosshair down.

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    Simply remove the laser bore sighting device by detaching the device from the barrel if it is end-mounted. For a bullet-shaped device, you will need to open the rifle’s bolt in order to remove the device.

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