How to Lay an Electric Dog Fence

Just about everyone is looking to own pets these days, this is because pets are a great addition to every household, since they add a whole new dimension the house, and make it a lot more fun.

Now usually people tend to get cats in small houses, but places with big backyards and gardens results in people getting a dog. Dogs are high on energy and run about quite a bit.

This tends to lead to a lot of problems, since no one is quite sure on how to keep the dogs contained most of the time.

Now the best possible solution is for people to go on and install an electric fence. This fence keeps the animals at bay, and prevents them from running away, getting lost or cause problems for any of the neighbours.

However, the only problem is to install the fence, since it is a little tricky to do so.


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    Buy and mark

    The first thing that you can do, is to go on and actually buy the fence. There are going to be a lot of possible models so choose one that is reported to be better suited for your dog and the size of your garden.

    Now once you get the fence, you need to go ahead and mark out just where you are going to be installing the fence. You can do this is a number of ways so be creative.

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    Dig and install

    Now you need to dig out the areas where you are going to be installing your fencing, and then slowly lay in the wiring for the electric fence.

    Be very precise and careful while doing this, since any mess ups can result in the fence not working like you want it to, or the fence being very uneven, which would end up confusing the dog a whole lot more than it needs to.

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    Install, finish and test

    Now the last part is to connect all the parts of the fence, and to see if they work. Once this is done, you need to bury the fence underground to make it hidden once again.

    After the fence is buried down, attach the collar for the fence onto your dog, and see if he can figure out the fence. Adjust the power settings based on your dog ability to get passed the fence and then sit back and enjoy your work.

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