How to Lay Tracks for a Hair Weave

Hair weaves are an important element when we talk about hair styles of the feminine gender. They have been in the fashion for years and are very useful when it comes to giving your hair a completely new look. Another reason why people prefer wearing weaves is some medical reason while most just wear it to look standout and different.

Wearing a hair weave can give you an extra advantage over the rest but not many girls go for it. The main reason is that it is not easy to lay tracks for a hair weave and you need a professional in order to make it undetectable.

There are different kinds of hair weaves like strand hair weaves, sew-in hair weaves and quick weaves. By following some simple rules and procedures, you can easily apply the hair tracks to the hair in a proper manner without damaging your hair in the process.

Things Required:

– Rat Tail Comb
– Hair Glue
– Hair Thread
– Hair Needle
– Hair Clips


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    Your hair should be pretty clean before you start the procedure. Make sure that your hair are properly washed and conditioned before you lay tracks for a hair weave. It would be better and convenient if you decide at this very moment as to what kind of hair weaves you are looking for.

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    Once you have decided about the kind of hair weave you want, section your hair. It would be better if you section your hair in three sections. Leave the back of your hair in a slightly bigger section while divide the front hair in two separate sections. Make sure that the front sections are evenly balanced.

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    Now, you need to start with the back section of your hair. Simply make a horizontal parting of one inch width. After that, apply the hair track with the kind of method you prefer. You need to continue the process all the way from down to top. Keep the process until your back section is complete. Do not forget to leave enough amount of hair from the back section in order to cover the track.

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    Once you are done with the back section move to the front sections of your hair. Repeat the exact same steps to the sides of your hair as you previously did in the back of your hair. Once again, do not forget to leave enough hair in order to cover your hair tracks.

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