How to learn freestyle rap

Freestyle rap is a modern-style poetry but in a contemporary society. Even though many people do not accept freestyle rap to be art, it definitely is. It requires a lot of innovation and a grasp on the language. You have to fully express yourself and let people know how you feel and what you want to say. The message should be conveyed fully. Therefore, when you opt for doing freestyle rap, you definitely require a lot of practice. The following steps can be used to learn how to freestyle rap.


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    Start from learning the basics. You don’t have to jump to conclusions with anything. Make sure that you don’t start learning words from the online dictionaries. Just stick to the words you already know the meanings of. There are quite a lot of words which freestyle rappers make up themselves. You can always make your own ‘lingo’ up – it’s known as the rap lingo.

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    Go with the flow. Many people would give you this advice if you are trying to freestyle rap and this is the best thing to do. You should know which slang to use and when to use it. Simply play the music and start singing along with the beat. Make sure that you don’t go out of flow. This is very much necessary. You need to take the first step. You might mumble a few words, but eventually it will just come to you.

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    During the start of freestyle rapping, make sure that you write a few good rhymes beforehand. It is understandable that this is not freestyle rapping but still you will learn the “know-how’s” of rapping and you will eventually start working well with the beat and the words.

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    Always work on the words. They are the most important. Notice how all free style rappers are famous because of the words they say and not because of the beat. You are not a rapper, you are a freestyle rapper and there is a difference. Use puns; be funny and that is something that people will simply love to hear.

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    Remember that whenever it comes to learning anything, practice makes perfect. Whenever you have spare time, simply start practicing at home. Put on a beat and start performing in front of a mirror.

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    Once you are done practicing, it is time for you to get into a rap battle. Freestyle rappers are all about battling so start off once you think you are done.

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