How to Learn To Love Something You Hate

There will be a number of things you hate with a passion, but you have to or need to now love them. It is quite a challenge to learn to love something you do not like but you can change that slowly provided that you work towards that goal. A lot of times you get the feeling where you cannot handle something. It annoys you even further if it is there all the time and you will do anything to remove it from your life. Try to stay positive by learning several ways to like something that you hate.


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    Mental strength

    Your thinking dramatically influences your life. If you think about a certain thing all the time, then your reality will change towards it. For example, if you feel you are not good at studies, then you can never be able to improve your grades. Also, you will start hating it and will never have the motivation to study. However, you can change this by being mentally strong. Stop thinking that you hate studies and make an effort to learn. Once you begin the journey you will start to enjoy studying.

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    Use common sense

    Fueling your hatred is harmful. Therefore, you need to find out the reason why you hate a particular thing. You might be afraid, jealous or do not want to see the repercussions of an event. Try to take time out and write the reasons on a piece of paper. By doing so you will know that the reasons are not important. Then you can prevent this becoming a part of your life and start loving the thing that annoyed you before. Be aware of the fact that hatred is a burden and it weighs you down towards destruction. You will not seize opportunities if you are a hateful person. It can have bad effects towards your family members and close friends. You will not be able to fully love if you have hatred in your heart.

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    Be positive

    Try to see the positive side in the things you hate as you might not realise them before. You could be blinded by anger, hatred or frustration about a certain thing. Search for a good quality in it and concentrate on it.

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