How to Legally Change Your Name

There can be numerous reasons why a person will be interested in changing his/her name after so many years. However, there is no time restriction for changing your name and you can do it any time you want. Changing your name relatively easy but when it comes to your financial records, credit reports and other important documents, almost every institute demands a court order. Therefore, it is important that you should complete the legal process to avoid any trouble otherwise you will face complications in having your name changed on all of your important documents.
Think of a reasonable name
Regardless of the reason for changing your name, it is strongly advised that you should think of a new name for yourself. It is important that you should consider a name that suits your age and personality. You can also seek recommendations from your family members as this will help you make a long list of suitable names that you can easily choose from. -
File a petition in court
After you have chosen a name from the list, it is strongly advised that you should file a petition in court. For this, you will have to submit the documents including your social security number, birth certificate and property papers. You will also be required to state the reason for changing your name and give the new name that you have adopted. After completing the necessary documents, it is suggested that you must have it signed and dated from the clerk as you submit them. -
Attend the hearing
After the submission of documents, you will be notified about the hearing date of your case. If the clerk has not already told you the date, it is recommended that you should ask him/her the details include date and time. At the date of the hearing, you must be dressed properly and prepared to answer any questions that you are asked. It is possible that you will be asked to give a justified reason for changing your name and only then your request will be approved or disapproved. -
Inform all departments about the change of name
If your name has been changed, you should not forget to send the court order to all the concerned institutes so that they can upgrade all of their records.