How to Legally Hunt Cougar

Most game hunters are always looking to hunt bigger and more dangerous animals. Hunting cougars is something that most game hunters consider, mainly because of the deadliness of the animal, the difficulty of finding it and most importantly the thrill of the whole deal.
However, in order to go cougar hunting, you need to follow a set of rules set by the state and the federal hunting regulations. Apart from this, you need to make sure you take all the necessary precautions as well.
You will need to carry tags with you, in order to claim your hunted cougar legally. You can create these tags at home before you leave, since you just need to fill out some basic information in them.
Remember that the tags are important and you need to report them to field agents immediately, to avoid any problems. -
Purchasing a big game license is also a necessity. You will need this license if you plan on hunting cougars legally. You may need some certification before you are awarded the license so make sure you take care of all the appropriate paperwork in advance.
The ammo you plan to use for cougar hunting needs to meet legal requirements. It can’t be toxic and should not cause any environmental damages. At the same time, it should kill the animal with the least amount of pain possible.
Create a daily log of your days activities. This is a requirement is some states, but apart from that, it also proves to be rather helpful for you to track your movements and list down your sightings of cougars.
If you want to use your car, make sure that it is in compliance with the states regulations.