How to Lip Read

Lip reading becomes very important for those people who at some point in their lives, start losing their hearing ability. It is also important for those people who are in secret service and constantly need to have surveillance on their targets without the help of hearing devices. Lip reading is also very important for people who have the habit of eavesdropping. World is full of people of this category so in order to become better at it, lip reading is a skill everyone can use to their benefit.


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    If you are having trouble listening to what others are saying properly, it is best that you start practising lip reading at an early stage. Many people have trouble hearing what others are saying behind them so it is better to start observing their lip movements when they are talking.

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    There is a National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders in USA where you will be offered lip reading classes. These classes are available in every state in the country and are not that expensive. And, if the aforementioned institute is far away from your place, you can always drop in at a local community where you are bound to find someone who can help you out.

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    Once you have found an institute, enrol in the program and start doing your homework. Classes on this subject are just like the biology classes that you attended in highshool which means that the way of learning would be more or less the same.

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    However, attending classes doesn’t mean that you don’t practise lip reading on your own once you are home. In order to be ahead of schedule, you can turn down the sound on the television and practise lip reading. It is better to watch newscasts as in that, you will be able to see the presenter in a close shot, thus a good clarity of the lip movement.

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    Many people will call you crazy or deranged for that but start talking to yourself in front of the mirror. Without making any sound, start speaking. Concentrate on how your lips are moving and keenly observe the muscle movement around your mouth. In order to become a good lip reader, observe people who speak clearly and also those who mince words.

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    You can also take the help of YouTube where there are many lip reading tutorials uploaded on a daily basis. These tutorials will help you a lot.

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