How to Live by the Golden Rule

The Golden Rule "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is essentially a simplistic guide to humanity, something that has become alarmingly scarce in modern times. People have become so obsessed with personal gains that they have completely turned away from their moral obligations and responsibilities towards others. Consumed by their greed for money and power, they have lost their regard for ethics. Personal egos have become more important than the respect of others.

In times like these, it has become even more important to live by the Golden Rule and inspire others to follow the same. It will indeed be a challenging endeavour, but you will be able to successfully set an example for others through patience, tolerance and an unwavering faith in humanity.



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    Always think before you speak. Understand that once the words leave your mouth, it is impossible to draw them back. Whenever you are about to say something, just hold your tongue long enough to ask yourself how you would feel if those words were being said to you. This will help you to become somewhat aware of the affect that your words will have on others. If you do not want to be at the receiving end of those words, then do not say them to someone else.

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    Always think before you act. Just before you are about to do something, pause for a moment to ask yourself how your deeds will affect others. Also consider any ripple effect that could result from your actions. Do not subject anyone to those effects if you would not want to experience them yourself.

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    Work on strengthening your self-control and developing patience.

    Work on your tolerance level and try not to let the words or actions of others get to you.

    The best way to do that is to stop taking things personally. If you do find yourself losing control of your emotions, deal with them in a healthy way such as exercising, listening to music, meditating, etc.

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    When you see a person in trouble, offer them your help. Think how you would feel if you were in their position and people simply passed by, assuming that someone would eventually stop and help you.

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    If you find rude behavior unacceptable, then do not subject others to it. Be courteous towards everyone, irrespective of their age, class, gender, ethnicity or faith.

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    Do not cut others off when they are talking. Learn to listen patiently and wait for your turn to speak. It is considered rude and inappropriate to start talking on top of others.

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