How to Load Brushes in Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop Elements is a very smart computer program, allowing users to edit photographs and images. In addition to making corrections and transforming images, Adobe Photoshop Elements offers incredible digital drawing abilities that enhance your photo editing and drawing experience. Electronic designs and doodles can be created by using the Photoshop paintbrush collection. Traditional, solid circle or single hair brushes, elements provide a range of brushes that you can use as per your requirements. You can also buy additional brushes from Adobe’s official website and add them to your computer’s library. If you are looking to load brushes to Photoshop, you will be glad to know that the steps involved are extremely simple.
Things Required:
– Computer
– Adobe Photoshop Elements
Before doing anything else, you will need to make sure that you have basic Photoshop knowledge and skills to load brushes to your Photoshop Elements. Now, open the Photoshop Elements which will open up a new blank window, providing working space for you. Find the Paintbrush option at the top of the screen.
Click the Tools icon that can be located on the left hand side of the screen. Drag down the Brush of your choice from the Brush menu on the left hand side of the window. Consider clicking the right pointing triangle in a circle icon at the top centre of the working space.
Click the Load Brushes option and this will open a new navigation window. You can load the brushes by browsing to find brush sets or brushes saved on your desktop from downloading, copying or the installation process. Right click on the file and choose the Load Brush option. You will be required to choose the Append button if Elements asks you to replace the brushes.
Again, you will need to click the triangle icon after dragging down the Brush menu. Choose the brush category from the bottom of the drop down list. Click the Append button if the “Replace Brush” option pops up. This will add your new brush options to your palette.
Continue repeating this process to add as many brushes as you like to the library. Once you are done adding the brushes of your choice, simply open a new window from the File menu to start using your brushes on a picture.