How to Look Younger and Prevent Premature Aging

Looks are not everlasting and time does not stop for anyone. Moreover, it moves even faster for certain people when it comes to their looks. It is always nice to hear from a friend that you look younger and it boosts your confidence. There are a number of ways to avoid premature aging and look younger than your age. A dermatologist can always tell a person’s age by just looking at his neck. You can do a lot of things to stay young and put cream on your neck area to prevent these problems.


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    Use of sunscreen

    You can use sunscreen to avoid premature aging caused by harmful sun rays. Wear sunscreen throughout the year and not just in summers. Also protect your face and eyes by wearing a hat or cap. Squinting in light causes wrinkles and makes you look older than you actually are. On the other hand, smoking cigarettes is not good for your health and speeds up the aging process. Chain smokers have a bad texture and unhealthy skin color. Every night you should cleanse the face of the dirt, oil or makeup to limit pores and avoid skin irritation. Wash your face with cleanser, rinse and dry with good effect.

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    Eat vegetables and fruits on a regular basis

    You should eat dark coloured fruits and vegetables along with nuts, seeds, spices and aromatic herbs in order to stay healthy and young. These foods are high in fiber, antioxidants and important fatty acids and aid in regulating blood sugar and increases metabolism if eaten on a daily basis. It also reduces the chances of diseases and inflammation and safeguards the body against degeneration. Furthermore, lower your intake of refined sugar to prevent inflammation, which is present in the body’s defense system to safeguard against toxins and infection. Eating sugary foods can mess up with the balance that causes weight gain, aging and heart disease.

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    Get a good night’s sleep

    Sleeping pattern affects your health and aging process. As a result of this, you should sleep at least seven hours to let the body relax and heal itself. Also include an exercise schedule as a part of your daily routine to prevent stress and tiredness. It is also vital to hydrate the body and moisturize your skin every now and then. Try to sleep on your back to prevent pulling on the soft skin of the face by using a pillow.

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