How to Lose Weight with Belly Dance

These days, everybody is coming up with a new way to lose weight. Some believe in diets, some believe in exercise and then there are those who go for the less conventional ways; like people who think brushing their teeth every time they want to eat will help decrease their appetite. Hey, whatever works for you!

Belly dancing, once thought to be something only exotic dancers did, is fast becoming a trend. It’s fun, and it helps to lose weight! And let’s face it; there aren’t many “fun” ways to lose weight, unless you think working your arms off in the gym is fun.

So what exactly is belly dancing? Well, it is a dance of Middle-Eastern origin in which the dancer makes circular movements of the abdomen and hip, without moving the upper part of the body. People who’ve belly danced have reported losing a lot of weight, and factually, for an hour of continuous belly dancing, you burn about 300 calories.


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    There are many easy ways to learn how to belly dance. You could join a class where you could learn and practice with enthusiasts like yourself and this could be a motivating factor. It can also turn into a great socializing activity.

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    Since most people don’t have a neighborhood belly dancing school, why not avail the internet? Videos are easily available. Join an online group! You won’t even have to leave the privacy of your home to go out and learn it. Maybe you have a friend who’s into belly dancing? Practicing it with someone you like makes it all the more fun.

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    Stick to it:

    Like every other form of exercise, it’s something that you will have to do regularly. There’s no point of belly dancing for an hour once a week if you’re sitting on the couch, watching “Dancing with the Stars” and munching on cheese cake for the rest of the week. Losing weight is tough work, and it requires devotion and focus.

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    Make an easy schedule:

    Belly dancing is no help if you’re not watching your eating and drinking habits. People often snack after they come home from a class, and that’s not any help. An easy tip is to take a large bottle of water to the class and to keep drinking from it before, during and after class so you’re not tempted to eat something once you get back and settle in. Never assume that a particular exercise will work like magic and you won’t gain any weight ever again if you don’t care about what you put in your mouth. Two things: first, keep your diet balanced; and second, exercise regularly. Most experts say fifteen minutes a day are more than enough, but since belly dancing is so much fun, just do thirty minutes. You don’t even have to belly dance everyday; you could do it three times a week and go on long walks with your partner or go jogging with your dog, or maybe just ride the bicycle into the distance. Any way you choose, just remember to not over-exert yourself. These days, the media promotes a very wrong image of what a woman should look like, and never look like something or someone just because the people around you want to look like that. A healthy lifestyle is fine but starving yourself is definitely not. Live healthy, stay healthy!

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