How to Lower a Jacked Up Truck

Learning how to jack up a truck to carry out some emergency repairs with your truck standing somewhere far away from a garage is an important part of truck driving, helping and maintenance. An important aspect in jacking up and then lowering a jacked up truck is your safety and safety of environment, other passengers and the vehicle.
Make sure your tools are rust free or do not have attached any other unwanted stuff that can make them slip under the vehicle and cause damage to it and also compromise your safety. Also, look for safety of other people if they are working nearby, and then complete the task.
Check For Tools
Be assured you have all tools with you to lower the jacked up truck. Although you might not need plenty of tools, it is better to have them with you all the time so as to deal with emergency situation. -
Make Sure Space Around is Clear
Anything nearby your truck can compromise your safety and its safety. Whether they are some children playing or some animal, you better clear the space around your truck to avoid any risk of injury to anyone. Sometimes it can cause some serious accident and someone seriously injured can put you in trouble for compromising on health and safety rules. -
Clear Space Under the Truck
You should also check for any tool or any thing that can prevent the truck wheels coming on the ground smoothly, or anything that can be slipped underneath the jack or wheels. It is possible that while carrying out the maintenance work you have mistakenly left any tool underneath. So, better check for that before lowering down the truck. -
Release Screw
When it is all clear, release the screw of the jack and the truck wheels will gradually come down on the ground safely and securely. You can put back all the tools in the truck and carry on your journey. -
Do Not Leave Truck Unattended
If you are facing any difficulty to lower down truck or need to carry some serious maintenance work, do not leave the truck in a jacked up position. It can pose a serious security risk to people and animals. It can also result in any fatal casualty if someone tries to experiment something unusual with the jack.