How to Make A 35MM Pinhole Camera

Pinhole cameras are not new phenomena, they are based on an age old concept which allows the users to take snaps without the need of any lens. These days some photographers place the pinhole in front of the camera lens to get special effects in images.

Making a pinhole camera is very simple. It can either be used as stand alone or in front of a digital camera to improve the picture quality. Depending on the hole size, pinhole cameras don’t produce a really sharp image, but the loss of sharpness is more than accounted for as far as the artistic effect on the pictures is concerned.


  • 1

    Locate the midpoint of the body cap. Use a punching tool to mark a dimple at the centre of the body cap; if dimple is not available, a nail and hammer can be used for this purpose as well. Use a drill machine to drill a quarter of an inch hole at the centre spot which you just marked. Use a wood piece under the body cap to protect the table in case you drill through the whole piece.

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    Separate one piece of aluminium sheet and cut a square piece of 2 cm by 2 cm. Locate a used can of soda or energy drink and cut its top and bottom cover off. The size of the hole in the can does not need to be perfect; however, it must be large enough to fit within the body cap. File the corner of the square piece for protection.

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    Make a dimple at the middle of the piece that you just cut with the help of a sharp needle. You should go slowly so that the hole created is not too big, moreover the dimple should be hardly visible from the bottom of the square piece.

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    Use a sand paper to smoothen the dimple on the aluminium piece. When the dimple has been sanded, a hole should be visible on the lower side of the sheet. If the holes are not round enough, use the needle once again to round them off.

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    The size of the hole actually depends on the distance between the object and the pinhole cameras. 35mm is the standard size for most SLR cameras. First make the hole small and try to make it bigger with the sharp needle. If accidentally the hole size exceeds the 35mm mark, discard the piece and start with a new one.

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