How to Make a Baking Soda Garden Spray

Gardeners strive hard to make their gardens look beautiful but this calls for special care.

A long living and beautiful garden is the one that is well maintained and maintenance means that the gardener is spraying the garden regularly.

Many gardeners prefer to use organic sprays to control insects’ attacks especially when they have grown vegetables or fruits in their garden. Enriched with fungicidal properties baking Soda is a widely used organic spray which is safe for domestic gardens. Very simple to make and very effective at the same time, this white soluble compound can be used as a protecting spray for plants and is meant to fight against insects, powdery mildew and fungal diseases.

Sodium bicarbonate, the chemical name of baking soda, comes in powder form and is easily available in the markets. In order to prepare the baking soda spray for the garden, you will need few things including:

Things required:

– Baking Soda (1 tablespoon)
– Small Bucket with Water (1/2 liter)
– Stirring Rod/ Spatula / Spoon
– Vegetable Oil (1 tablespoon)
– Liquid Soap (1 tablespoon)
– Sprinkling Bottle
– Fennel


  • 1

    First of all, add stated amount of baking soda and vegetable oil in a bowl. Now pour over warm water and stir with the help of stirring rod.

  • 2

    As you stir,  add liquid washing soap and keep on stirring and leave it to cool down.

  • 3

    After about 15 to 20 minutes, fix fennel on the neck of the bottle and pour the prepared solution into it.

  • 4

    Your garden spraying Brew is ready.

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