How To Make a Birthday Banner

Birthdays are one of the very important occasions in a person’s life and are always a reason to party. People, especially girls, love to celebrate their birthdays, throwing large parties, inviting all their friends and cutting cakes. Birthdays are also celebrated in several cultures with a gift or a huge family gathering. Birthday party celebrations should be large and party decorations should be huge so that the birthday boy/girl enjoys the occasion with extreme festive feelings. The most important part of the birthday party decorations is a banner saying “Happy Birthday”. You can fashion your birthday party decorations by making a birthday banner for birthday boy or girl. It always makes a person feel happy when he/she gets special attention by their loved ones, make them feel special by taking out time from your busy daily life schedule and fashioning a banner for their special occasion. It’s all fun and festive to decorate the birthday party of your loved ones, no matter how old they are.
Choose a medium to work on. You can make a banner with fabric, scrap paper, cloth and so on.
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After choosing the medium, list the things you will need for making a banner. Usually, the things, used while working with any medium, are same. For example: if you are using fabric then you will need a lot of varieties and colours of fabric, iron and an iron board. For banner with scrap paper, you will need, Scrapbook paper -- 7 pieces of 12-inch by 12-inch, Scissors, Stencils--large alphabet, Permanent marker, Ruler, Pencil, Hole punch, Yarn, Butcher paper, Markers, Stickers.
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Decide a theme for your birthday banner; it will make your work easy and more interesting. Themed banner is a great way to get attention of the people and is also a way to get recipient’s interest.
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Try to think a unique birthday text to write on your banner. It is a great idea to make your banner extra interesting and catchy, for example: you can write something like this on your banner; Happy Birthday to our Barbie Doll. Try to get variety of fonts to add further creativeness. For kids, use cartoon attributes as letters.
Cut out thirteen squares or any shape you want, one for every letter in Happy Birthday.
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Attach the letters. Paste the letters you made from your favorite chosen font or from cartoon attributes. Center each letter in the lower 2/3 of the square.
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At the top of each square, add the cord, fold over ¼ inch and press. Fold another ¾ inch and stitch as close as possible to make a sleeve for the cord. String all the squares in order through the cord.
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Hang your birthday banner and let the party began.
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