How to Make a Boomerang Out of a Pizza Box

You can make a double treat out of the pizza box. The first one is of course the delicious cheesy pizza slice that you retrieve from it and help yourself too. The second one is as fun. It will help you digest the pizza slice in an enjoyable way. The pizza box can be used to make a great boomerang, as good as those commercially available. The cardboard is thick enough to provide the consistency the boomerang needs. Making a boomerang out of the box in really easy and also a great way to recycle the pizza box. You now know what to do with it. Here is to both eating and playing.

Things Required:

– Plain piece of paper
– Pizza box
– Scissors
– X-acto knife
– Paints, markers, crayons or other decorations


  • 1

    Use a pencil to draw the boomerang shape on a white piece of paper. With a pencil you can erase easily if you are not happy with the shape. Draw boldly.Alternatively, you can take a print out from the internet of a boomerang shape and use it. Now cut out the boomerang template from the paper neatly using sharp scissors.

  • 2

    Place the template on one side of the pizza box. Make sure that the box you use is larger than the boomerang itself. It should also be clean and not messy with the pizza oil and remains. Since you will be using the boomerang, it should be clean and free of grease.

  • 3

    Draw the boomerang shape on the box using the template. Cut out this tracing using a cutter/knife/scissor. Use a sharp cutting tool to avoid jagged cutting. After you cut out the first boomerang, trace out the shape again on the other side of the pizza box. Create a boomerang out of it too. From a box you can create two boomerangs out of it. This is ideal for making fun gifts for siblings or friends.

  • 4

    Functionally the boomerang is ready to use. However, you can make it more fun and attractive by decorating it with colours. Draw shapes and logos on it according to your choice using crayons and markers. You can also use stickers for the purpose. Once done, you are ready to throw out your boomerang and watch it come back to you.

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