How to Make a Budget for a Day Care

Day Care centres are places where children are taken care of, especially during the time when parents are out for work. These centres basically operate in the office working hours and provide the parents with the facility of taking care of small children who are not of the age of going to school.
The facility charges hourly for babysitting and provide the children with a good environment for their essential growth in early years. Day Cares are mostly common in the west where both the husband and wife are working at the same time.
When setting up a Day Care centre, there are various expenses to be taken care of. The owner of the facility has to keep many things in mind before going into the business. The various costs include expenses for security of the children, labour costs, rental costs and supply costs. Once all these costs are determined add them up and divide to calculate the amount be charged per child for an hour.
Determine cost for safety
The most important aspect in making a Day Care centre is its safety. The first thing that parents would look at when they enter a Day Care will be how secure it is for their children. They would want some of the best safety measures to be taken for their children to make sure they remain free from any injury.
The cost of safety at a Day Care would include the measures taken to avoid any unfortunate incident. This may include the use of baby gates, paper tapes for sockets etc. -
Determine cost for labour
This would include the salaries of the staff. Depending on the number of children, the Day Care would require nannies for a certain number of babies. For hourly wages, the cost should be calculated separately and eventually added to the overall labour cost. -
Determine cost for rent
If the Day Care is to be set in a place other than your own, the cost of rent is to be calculated. This would be one of the larger expenses as some places would require an advance three-month rent. -
Determine cost of supplies
This expense includes the amount that has to be set aside for basic expenditure of children. This would include diapers, nappies, different medicines that are required by children. Also, in emergency cases boxes for powdered milk or cereals also have to be kept by the Day Care.