How to Make a Centerpiece for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a great time for family and friends to get together and have a wonderful dinner. If you are hosting a Thanksgiving dinner, having a beautiful centrepiece is important as it will show your guests the time and effort that you put in to the festivities. Making a centrepiece for Thanksgiving is not difficult but it does require you to follow the proper process with some specialised tools.

Things Required:

– One medium-to-large pumpkin. (Approximately 25” ~ 35” in circumference)
– One 6” potted mum plant (or any flowering plant of the season)
– A large plate or tray
– A section of burlap, a kitchen towel, napkins or any fabric
– A variety of autumnal foliage
– Tools for cutting and scraping
– Playground sand or pot liner


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    First, cut a circular opening right on top of the pumpkin. The opening must be large enough so that you can easily insert the six inch plastic or terracotta flower pot inside of it. You can waste the cap and stem of your pumpkin.

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    Next, you have to remove the seeds and loose pulp from the pumpkin. Discard the pulp and seeds and clean the pumpkin from the inside. It is extremely important for you to clean the pumpkin carefully, otherwise it may get punctured. Then fill the pumpkin with 3 inches layer of sand.

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    Now, put the pot of mums into the pumpkin from its opening. Then, place the festive napkin or any other piece of fabric swatch with the help of a plate or tray which is larger than the whole circumference of your pumpkin.

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    You can improve the appearance of the pumpkin by inserting a variety of foliage around its base and on the table which it is placed. You can use oak, nuts, cattails, thistles, wheat shoots, eucalyptus stems, acorns, simple twigs, cinnamon sticks, bits of moss, gourds, fern fronds, maple or magnolia leaves (real or artificial), seed pods, baby’s breath and Indian corn.

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    If you will keep the centrepiece clean and properly watered, you can enjoy it for weeks. After sometime, it will become soft from the bottom. At that time, just remove your mums and plant them in a larger pot.

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