How to Make a Coin Purse With a Kiss Lock

Making a personal use accessory at home is not only a fun leisure-time activity but it can also save money. It is common among people to make personal items like clothes, bracelets or even coin-purses at home instead of going about purchasing them from the market. If you are in need of a coin-purse then why don’t you try making a kiss lock coin purse at home? It is an effortless process and will only require a few things. So go through the below mentioned guideline and get started.

Things required:

– Fabric
– Pattern
– Purse frame
– Tweezers
– Textile glue
– Sewing pins
– Sewing scissors
– Sewing machine


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    Cutting the fabric

    Lay the fabric on a table or smooth surface. Now arrange the pattern on top of the fabric and attach sewing pins to it. Now grab the scissors and cut the fabric around the pattern. After completing the cutting, slowly pull out the pins and remove the pattern from the fabric.

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    The side of the garment / fabric to face outside should come inwards during stitching. Now, fold one end of the fabric over the other and ensure that both edges sit well together.

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    Next, join the side seams of the purse with sewing pins. Now, sew these side seams of the coin purse with each other.

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    Turn the purse with its inner-right-side out and then smear some glue to the innerside of the purse’s frame.

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    Insert the coin-purse into the frame through the 2 metal clutches. Place the fabric onto the clutch frame and push into place. Give 5 minutes to it so that the glue can dry. Repeat the same process for the opposite side of the purse. Your purse is ready.

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