How to Make a Cross Knot Friendship Bracelet

Thinking of giving something unique to your friend as a birthday present? Consider making a cross knot friendship bracelet at home. Fortunately, the things you will need for making the bracelet are readily available as well as inexpensive, which means you can embellish the bracelet in multiple different ways without having to worry about the cost.

Things Required:

– Two colours of cotton embroidery floss
– Ruler or tape measure
– Scissors
– A clipboard or a piece of foam core board or cork board and a T-pin


  • 1

    Cut three 36 inch long pieces of cotton embroidery floss from each of the two colours. You will end up with 6 pieces of cotton embroidery floss, each 36 inches in length. Tie together the pieces using an overhand knot, but be sure to leave a three inch tail above the knots.

  • 2

    Secure the overhand knot to a clipboard’s clip using a T-pin. If that is not an option for some reason, substitute the clipboard with a piece of foam core board or cork board. Smooth out the floss threads and then gather together the colours. You will have two groups of threads to work with.

  • 3

    Hold Colour B in one hand and work Colour A under it. Pass Colour A over Colour B once again and then pass the end of Colour A through the resulting loop. You will now have the first left-hand knot. Simply pull it snug to prevent it from unravelling.

  • 4

    Make an overhand knot and then push it against the left-hand knot. Use both Colour A and Colour B for making the overhand knot.

  • 5

    Continue making knots as described above and pulling them until the friendship bracelet is of the desired length. To end the bracelet, simply tie an overhand knot. Be sure to keep the last knot as tight as possible.

  • 6

    Measure approximately 3 inches from the final knot you tied in the bracelet with a tape measure or ruler and then clip the threads. The bracelet is now ready and you can present it to your friends as a special gift.

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