How to Make a Crystal Necklace

Crystal necklace is a simple but elegant fashion accessory to enhance your overall look, highlighting your personality and attire. There are numerous varieties of the crystal necklaces available in the market and online but in today’s tough economic conditions, it might be hard for you to spend hundred dollars on this simple necklace. Therefore, the best idea is to make a crystal necklace at home. Besides being cost effective project, you can change the crystal beads of the necklace according to various occasions and your outfits.
The most tricky and important technique for making your own crystal necklace is to create a smooth loop on a headpin and to attach it to the necklace chain, which requires proper practice. However, once you will be able to make various designs of the crystal necklace.
You can use crimping pliers and beads to give your crystal necklace a very elegant and professional finishing touch. Read the below steps and make a gorgeous crystal necklace that will eventually enhance your personality by wearing it.
Things you will need to make a crystal necklace:
– 7 crystal beads (almost 5mm), color of your choice
– 4 crystal beads (almost 4mm)
– 1 Large crystal bead (almost 10mm)
– 5 Bali spacer beads
– 3 small round spacer beads
– Headpins
– 3 small round silver spacer beads
– Round nose pliers
– Wire or side cutters
– Chain necklace with links of 2mm at least
First of all select a simple necklace chain that fits the width of your neck. It is better to select a stainless chain for long-term results. Set the selected chain aside until you add the beads to the headpins.
Once you select the chain, it is time to thread the selected crystal gemstones to the headpins. Name the headpins A, B, C, D, E, F and G for your ease and slide the beads onto them in the given below order:
Headpin A and G: Slide the medium bead (5mm) and then the small round space bead.
Headpin B and F: First slide the small crystal bead (4mm), then the Bali bead and finally the medium crystal bead (5mm).
Headpin C and E: Slide medium crystal bead (5mm), then the Bali bead and finally the medium crystal bead.
Central Headpin / Headpin D: Insert a large crystal bead (10 mm), Bali bead, then the medium crystal bead (5mm), and finally the small round spacer bead.
Note: You can select the color of the crystal beads according to your choice. You can buy them from your nearest jewelry stores.
Now, it is the time to make a perfect loop for each of the headpins which is a bit tricky task in making a crystal necklace. Bend the headpin to 90 degree angle with the help of your finger tips. Use the round nose pliers to grip the bended headpin as close to the last inserted bead as possible. Now, twist the headpin around the nose of the pliers. Curl the tail of the headpin until it forms a perfect loop. Grab a sharp side cutter and cut the excess wire. Level the newly created loop with a chain or flat nose pliers. Repeat the same procedure with the remaining headpins.
Carefully open the loops of the headpins one by one and in order to attach them to the chain. Use round nose pliers for opening them.
Note: Do not open the loop too wide.
Now, identify the very exact center of the chain by temporarily wearing it around your neck.
Once you identified the center of the chain, attach the large crystal headpin / headpin D on to the link of the chain. Properly close the loop with the help of a round nose plier.
Now, count on six links on both right and left side of the central headpin and attach the C and E headpins to both sides. Close the loops of the headpins C and E, using nose pliers.
Once again count six links from headpins C and E on both sides and attach the headpins B and F.
Repeat step 8 in order to attach the Headpin A and G.
Wow! Cool, you have successfully made your own beautiful crystal necklace. Wear it and enjoy!