How to Make a Driveway Eco-Friendly

Saving the environment is something that has become a necessity nowadays, more than a want, because of the depleting natural resources on our planet. Water is one of the biggest and most used natural resources and wasting it may one day result in deserted areas being even drier, along with the world running out of clean and fresh H2O to survive.

Our driveways are one of the biggest ways that we pollute our water supplies as a number of chemicals and other things seep into the ground and affect the fresh water underneath. There are a number of things that can be done in order to make a driveway eco-friendly and at the end, reduce the amount of polluting that is done from a place which may not cross our minds usually.


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    Having concrete on our driveways does not allow the chemicals and water to stay there; instead, it forces the material to flow out of the way and pool up somewhere else. This, in the end causes a number of problems when these pollutants seep into the drainage system and affect the water underneath.

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    Gravel is a more suitable alternative as compared to concrete, as it keeps the pollutants in place, and does now allow them to flow off somewhere else. It is extremely useful as it lets water evaporate, and does not let it pool up somewhere on the street, which can cause a number of problems, in addition to ruining the structures.

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    Permeable Pavers

    Permeable pavers are a great alternative for those people who still want to have an element of concrete on their driveway. These are concrete tiles that are alternated with sand or gravel, and mimic the feeling and look of what would be concrete.

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    The good thing about grass is that it will mimic the look of your lawn while allowing you to take full benefit of the driveway as well. This will also allow nature to take care of the pollutants - something which concrete and other materials are just not able to do.

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    Professional Services

    Hiring a professional for the job will make it easier for you, and give you the satisfaction of knowing that your driveway will be effectively eco-friendly. It may be a little expensive, but it will save nature in the end - a cause for which we should be willing to pay any amount of money. However, keep in mind that the driveway needs to hold the weight of the cars, or else it could end up sinking.

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