How to Make A Duct Tape Woven Purse

Each and every girl loves to have purses around them and claim it to be their best friend. As a result of this, they usually own one for each event or occasion. If you are creative and crafty or like to create your own stylish accessories, then you can make a unique clutch purse from different coloured duct tape. Make sure to create a woven purse that can endure some time and will not get damaged. Check out this method to make a unique duct tape woven purse.

Things Required:

– Scissors, ruler, pencil
– Liner fabric and duct tape (two contrasting colours)
– Clear tape and heavy books


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    Getting started

    Separate two pieces of liner fabric that are 12 by 16 inches in dimension. Place them horizontally and side by side on a smooth surface. Cover any of the piece of fabric with horizontal strips of duct tape and be sure that the edges of tape are in contact with one another. Try not to overlap them. After that, cover the other piece of fabric with vertical strips with a contrasting colour of tape. Once done, cut the extra tape.

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    Duct tape

    Make a line on the middle of all strips of duct tape and cut the strips along the edges of the tape. Place the shorter strips of tape horizontally on a flat surface and other contrasting coloured strip vertically on top of it. Hold the strips with a clear tape. Repeat the process on the other strips and weave, putting the shorter strips down the length of the bigger strips. Remember to alternate the bottom and top positions to have a checkerboard pattern for the purse. Also, get rid of uneven edges and secure it with clear tape.

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    Extend a 12 inch piece of duct paper with the sticky side up on the flat surface. Then cut the tape in half. Middle the piece along the 12 inch side of the woven rectangle, doubling it over the edge for a refined look. Use the other strip on the bottom corner and then cut off the extra tape from edges. Fold the bottom third of the duct tape in rectangle shape and secure the doubled edges with the duct tape.

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