How to Make a Earthquake Cocktail

Are you looking for a drink that will shake you up and give you small jumpy moves then Earthquake Cocktail is what you desire to have. Believe it or not, but after having the first sip, the electrifying effect in your mouth will give you goose bumps.

This cocktail is related to Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, who was a French painter, illustrator and post-impressionist. And the name, Earthquake is given to it due to the shake-up effects given during the preparation of the drink. Earthquake Cocktail which is also famous by the name Tremblement de Terre, is considered ideal for casual parties and gatherings. You can easily make it at home and turn your lifeless party into an exhilarating revelry.

The interesting combination of three ingredients, whisky, French distilled beverage pernod and the popular spirit gin, will finely complement each other. You can use any type of whiskey but if the Canadian Whiskey is used then you will acquire more smooth taste.

Preparation Time: 2 minutes
Serving Size: 2 servings
Utensils: Cocktail Shaker, Cocktail Glasses


– ½ oz of Plymouth Gin
– ½ oz of Whiskey (Prefer Canadian Whiskey)
– ½ oz of Pernod
– Crushed Ice according to your requirement


  • 1

    Start of the procedure by adding ice in a cocktail shaker; do not put in less ice or an extensive amount of it, your drink will result in to a watery flavor.

  • 2

    One by one add rest of the ingredients and place the cover on the shaker.

  • 3

    Shaking is the toughest procedure; you will have to shake until the half portion of ice is dissolved into the drink.

  • 4

    The color of the drink will turn yellow. Take beautiful cocktail glasses and pour equal amount of the drink in each glass.

  • 5

    If you want to increase the quantity of the drink then you can up the ounces of each ingredient. Make sure you increase each ingredient equally.

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