How to Make a Fireplace More Energy Efficient

The fireplace warms the house and gives a sense of comfort. A look at the flames can be fascinating and can be more energy efficient. Even in this age of domination of central heating and electric under floor heating, a living flame can attract the attention of visitors or guests.

Almost all people want to have a fireplace to create comfortable atmosphere at home. Burning fireplace creates the right mood in the house and gives a warm feeling to you and your guests in the cool autumn or cold winter nights.


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    Before you begin the installation of the fireplace, you need to determine the type of fireplace, its size, design, device flue openings and purchase the necessary building materials. And only after that you can begin to build a fireplace and its finish.

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    Start laying the foundation. It is best to give preference to the strip foundation because it is not associated with the foundation of the house. Distance from the foundation of the house should be at least 25cm. Keep an eye on the moisture factor and leakage of water near the fireplace. It is recommended to leave a small gap between the foundation and the base of the fireplace at home.

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    Before setting up the fireplace, close the windows and doors to avoid air currents. Open the flue damper so that the smoke did not go into the room.

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    Make the area in front of the fireplace with the help of bricks , placing them on the edge of the fireplace. 50 - 75 cm fireplace is recommended for rooms ranging in size from 25 to 35 m square and 45 - 55 cm If the size of the room is greater where you want to make a fireplace. The size of the fireplace completely depends on the size of the room because the heat radiation may decrease and the fireplace could produce more smoke.

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