How to Make a Great Introduction Speech

An introduction speech is basically delivered when someone new joins an organization and wants to introduce himself/herself to the existing employees. The first impression holds a paramount importance and in a similar fashion, delivering an introduction speech also creates a strong impact on the audience. However, it is a bit tricky to create a desired impact on the listeners by delivering an introduction speech as many people get nervous. But those who know how to do it properly always create a strong impact and earn respect of their peers at the new place.

Introduction speech is basically your first interaction with people at a new place and you have to be fully prepared to get the desired outcome. You do not have to be a perfect speaker for making a good introduction speech as you can do it simply by preparing yourself in a reasonable manner. You just need to pay attention to a few things which will help you getting a favourable response from the audience.


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    The most important thing you should do is memorise what you want to tell about yourself. Taking a piece of paper with you for introducing yourself will create a bad impression and people might think that you are not competent enough to even let them know who you are.

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    Also drink water before going to the stage as it will moisturise your throat and your voice will be clear while speaking in front of an audience.

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    Make sure you have someone who could make the crowd silent before you start your introduction speech as it will help you in getting their full attention.

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    Start with confidence and gaze the audience in order to keep them intact. Never allow any feeling of hesitation to overcome your speech and try to think like you are talking to people you know.

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    Your first comment of introduction speech should be attention getting. You can say something relevant to the audience that would be helpful in making them attentive.

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    Since you are not delivering a speech for winning a competition, make sure your tone is conversational and friendly. Let your audience know the most important and relevant things about you.

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