How to Make a House Fire Escape Plan

It is very important for the safety of your family that you have a house fire escape plan. Everyone in the house needs to understand the fire escape plan to ensure that they can get out in time if a situation arises. Do not procrastinate when it comes to making a house fire escape plan as the lives of your family members are counting on it in case of an emergency.
Things Required:
– Smoke Detectors
– Batteries
– Safety Lights
– Paper
– Pens
– Tape
Fire Escape Map
The first thing to do is take a pen and paper and make a map of your entire house. Be sure to highlight the nearest exits for each individual room. Also, make these fire escape maps big enough to read and use the tape to attach them to the inside of various rooms. Sit down with your family and explain the fire escape map so that there is no confusion during an emergency.
Smoke Detectors
Check that there are plenty of smoke detectors located throughout your home. If you feel that you want to increase the number then purchase some good quality smoke detectors and simply install them. Always remember to check the backup battery of the smoke detector on a regular basis. Talk to your kids and let them hear the sound that the smoke detector makes so that they understand what do if there is a fire.
Assign Checkers
A major part of your fire escape plan is to designate someone like either yourself or your spouse to become a checker. This basically means in case of a fire they ensure that everyone has gotten out safely. You can also designate one of your kids if he/she is old enough. Make sure to define and explain the role of the checker and what he or she has to do during a fire.
Run Fire Drill
It is very important that you run a fire drill in your home so that your kids understand what to do and where to go if there is a fire. It is best to do this fire drill when they are sleeping to make it more realistic. This also gives you a good idea about how long it takes your family to get out of the house safely when they are not mentally prepared.
Mark Areas
It is a good idea to place small safety lights along the route that your family would take if there is a fire in the house. These lights can be real lifesavers as they illuminate the area even in thick smoke.