How to Make a Lighting Design Portfolio

If you are lighting designer, then you should know that you must have a professionally made portfolio, which you can present to potential employers, to get good projects. The quality of your portfolio determines the level of commitment you put into your work. Also, it will reflect on your dedication towards your field of work, and the amount of time you have spent on your projects. So, you should be very careful, and precise, while making your lighting design portfolio, or else, it will become really difficult for you to get good offers from different employers in your field.


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    When creating your lighting portfolio, you should avoid adding only your best work in it. Rather, you should try to show some variance in your work, by adding pictures from different functions where you used different lighting effects, compared to each other.

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    When choosing the order of your work for the portfolio, you should make decisions logically. All of your work should be in a proper sequence. For instance, if you worked on realistic lighting projects, then you should put them first. Thereafter, you can add photos from shows where you used dream-like lighting or dance recitals. You should not mix different pictures on one page, as it may leave a poor impact on the employer.

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    Always include all the images from a specific show on one page, or on two pages that open together. Never extend a show to more than two pages. For that purpose, you can select the best shots from the show and use your image editing skills to display all of them on a single or maximum two pages.

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    When selecting photos to add to your portfolio, you should make sure that you include photos of only completed works. The photographs should be large in size, and of good quality.

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    Also, you should try to add pictures with actors in them, in order to give the lighting effects a practical view in your images. Moreover, such images will show how the actors looked in the lighting effects you gave on a particular set and scene.

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