How To Make a Natural Wrinkle Reducer

Wrinkles can start to appear on your face because of many reasons, including lack of fluids or environmental causes like ultra violet ray damage due to too much sun exposure. But the most common reason behind the fine lines on face is aging. Collagen is the necessary substance produced by human body that lubricates the skin and repairs damage. But as you get older, your body starts producing less collagen, hence increasing your chances of getting wrinkles.

You can avoid this problem to some extent by drinking plenty of water, or taking healthy diet, but wrinkles are bound to appear with age. There are various treatments for wrinkles available in the offices of dermatologists or in saloons, including surgical face lifts, laser therapy and injections of chemical substances like Botox. However, all these processes are quite expensive and not everybody can afford such treatments. If you are also fighting this wrinkles problem, but cannot afford going to a beauty salon or a consulting a dermatologist, then don’t worry you can make your own homemade wrinkle cream using various effective wrinkle remover formulas. Most of these homemade creams are made with household items you already to have at hand.

Things Required:

– Egg white – 1
– freshly squeezed lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
– Comfrey infusion – 1/4 cup
– Witch Hazel – 1/4 cup
– Patchouli essential oil – 10 drops
– Mixing Bowl
– Measuring cups
– Measuring spoons


  • 1

    Egg white with lemon juice:

    To make your own effective wrinkle reducer, take one egg white in a medium size mixing bowl. Add one teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to it and beat the mixture well to get a frothy concoction. Dip a cotton ball in this mixture and dab on wrinkled areas, on face and neck, until covered. Allow the wrinkle reducer to dry completely. Rinse it off with warm water first and then use cold water to close the pores. Pat dry with a soft cloth and enjoy a hydrated, fresh skin.

  • 2

    Comfrey infusion

    Take ¼ cup of Comfrey infusion. Add ¼ cup of Witch hazel and ten drops of Patchouli essential oil to it. Store this mixture in a bottle, and using a cotton ball, apply a small amount of this mixture onto the affected areas daily.

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