How to Make a Pond Out of Fiberglass Resin

Fibreglass is widely used to make numerous parts, especially in the automotive industry, because of its ease of use and durability. Its property of being applied in layers provides the option to the users to make the objects according to their desired size and strength. More layers of fibreglass you apply on one another, stronger it becomes. Making ponds out of fibreglass is becoming common these days, as they are easier to construct and very durable. Fibreglass ponds have the further option of painting them with the gel coat of your own choice.
Start digging for your pond with a shovel. You can dig the ground to your desired depth and shape. Once you are done with the digging, pack the loose soil on the sides and the bottom of your pond with your feet and shovel. Sprinkle some water with the garden hose to help the soil hold together and then let it dry.
You will be needed to cover up the entire inner surface of the pond with flexible liner. Use heavy-duty scissors to cut the lining into appropriate size and shape.
Place the liner on to the base of the pond and put 5 lb. weights around the perimeter of the lining. This will ensure that the lining is firmly placed at its position.
Now cut the layers of fibreglass mat place over the pool’s surface completely. You will require six layers of mat for this purpose.
For preparing the resin, you first have to add the catalyst into a bucket according to the instructions written on the package. Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide is the catalyst used for fibreglass resin which causes it to harden up afterwards. Stir the catalyst with a stick for one minute.
Use a felt roller to apply a coat of resin mixture on the liner. Run the air roller over the saturated layers of resin mixture to eliminate the bubbles from it.
Use an electric grinder for sanding the fibreglass surface to your required level. Use a 100-grit sandpaper for this purpose and then clean the dust out of the pond.
Clean up the fibreglass surface first with a clean piece of cloth and then with acetone for the application of gel coat. Give time to acetone to dry.
Put the catalyst into a smaller bucket of gel coat. Follow the instructions mentioned on the container and thoroughly mix the gel.
Use the felt roller to apply heavy coats of gel over the fibreglass surface. The gel coats will take about 24 hours to fully dry and then you can add water to your pond.