How To Make a Ponytail When Braiding

If you have medium to long length hair and are short on time but want to maintain a polished look, then you need to make a ponytail instead of trying another hairstyle which will probably go awry. There are numerous ways of braiding your hair and making a ponytail is the easiest among these styles.

Ponytails aren’t just for women, as men with long hair can also support a ponytail just for the sake of preventing their scalp from resembling a bird’s nest.

However, one thing which needs to be remembered by men and women with long hair is to keep their hair clean, you have to shampoo your hair to avoid that untidy look. Dirty hair are a turnoff for both sexes so if you are planning not to live your life in isolation, take care of your hair on a daily basis. The more you groom them the better an appearance you will have.

Things Required:

– Hair comb/hair brush
– Hair clips
– Hair elastic


  • 1

    Although we believe it is not a time consuming fashion style, still it needs some attention on your part for it to work properly. First it is important to remove all the tangles and knots, and for that you need to brush your hair thoroughly and then squirt warm saltwater solution on it. You should use saltwater because it removes excess oil from your hair, making it easier to braid.

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    If you are planning to fashion a ponytail in the back then it is a good idea to blow the hair in the backward direction away from your face.

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    Now is the time to start brushing, beginning at the top of the head you should sweep the hair into your free hand. Remember to brush on each side of the scalp until you can firmly grip your hair.

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    To prevent a loose ponytail, bend your head back while brushing on the underside of your head in order to create tension.

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    The next step is to ensure that the ponytail is in place. Position it between the crown of your head, and secure it with the help of a hair elastic or a hair clip. It is recommended that you use a covered hair elastic instead of a rubber band which will prevent your hair from breaking.

  • 6

    The job is done, but if you like you can apply hairspray to the ponytail to keep straying hair in place.

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