How to Make a Proper Website

Building a website has now become so easy that even those outside the web development industry can build one without the help of a professional programmer. However when it comes to making a proper, attention-grabbing website, most people find themselves in trouble as they do not know what makes a site which not only lures general visitors, but also gets better search engine results.

Building a proper websites involves multiple things and following them can ensure online success in a short time.


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    Get a solid domain name

    The domain name for your website should be so easy and attention-grabbing that people will remember it after their first visit to your pages. Domain name is the general address for your website, which can be a series of alphanumeric strings. Be sure to get a domain that is easy to spell so that people do not have to rely on search engines to locate you.

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    Make a clear structure and sitemap

    The structure or sitemap of your website is one of the most important things. Sitemap helps the users/visitors and search engines alike to navigate through your website without going astray. The sitemap should not be deep enough to turn off the visitors. At the most, a visitor should get information in just 2 to 3 clicks.

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    Keep the homepage as simple and clean as possible

    The homepage of your website should be simple and clean. Do not add flashy stuff, which only distract users. Think of Google’s homepage if you think you should add every single detail to your homepage.

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    Do not rely too much on graphics

    Graphics may make your website look snazzy and attractive, but it can also turn visitors off. Remembers the visitors to your website are only concerned about what the website has to offer, not how attractive the website design is.

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    Focus on content

    Content is surely the single most important factor that makes or breaks your website. Content (both text and video) should be carefully produced so that it can satisfy the visitors and give them the information they are looking for. When a visitor comes to your website, the first thing they will pay attention to is content. If the content can present your website well, you are likely to boost the list of your loyal audience.

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    Do search engine optimization

    Search engine optimization (SEO) has become one of the most effective tools for webmasters to increase their loyalty on the Internet. SEO can ensure better results on key search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing.

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