How To Make a Quick and Easy Oily Face Scrub

Concerned about your oily face? Understandable – as facial skin looks dull due to it and affects your overall personality. Oily facial skin is due to the production of excessive oils by the glands. And, it gives birth to some major skin issues like blackheads, melting makeup syndrome whiteheads and acne etc.
There are many beauty products available in the market, but they are not only expensive but take time in providing you with the desired results. On the other hand, you can use the easily available and inexpensive natural ingredients like honey, oatmeal and freshly squeezed lemon juice to tackle your oily skin, getting great results in the form of oil free glowing skin. Are you willing to experiment with various natural ingredients to revive your oily skin? Here we go…
Aspirin Scrub for Oily Skin
Aspirin Mixture is a useful face scrub as it gently removes dead skin cells, overcoming acne issues. Stir equal parts of water and vinegar until mix well. Add a couple aspirins into the mixture and stir for few more seconds until dissolve completely. Dip your finger tips into this useful mixture and rub it into your face in circular motion. Continue rubbing for few minutes until dry and then rinse off with water.
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Sugar Scrub for Oily Skin
Splash some lukewarm water on your face and then start rubbing some sugar on your face in circular motion until it dissolves completely. Let this sticky scrub sit on your facial skin for 5 to 10 minutes and then rinse it off with tepid water. It is useful scrub to remove the dead skin cells which are one among the major reasons of oily skin.
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Orange or Lemon Peel Scrub for Oily Skin
Orange and lemon peels are rich sources of citric acid that helps in solving various oily skin related problems. Place some dried orange or lemon peels in an electric processor or blender and blend them until powdered. Shift the lemon or orange ground peel into a medium bowl and top with same quantity of cornmeal. Pour in some lukewarm water and stir the ingredients until forms thick but smooth face scrub. Slightly dampen your face with lightly warm water and then apply the Orange or Lemon Peel Scrub in circular motion. Continue scrubbing for 5 to 10 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.
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Sea Salt Scrub for Oily Skin
This scrub is useful in doing away with oily skin issues, leaving your facial skin smooth and fresh. Mix equal amount of sea salt and some freshly extracted lemon juice. Now apply a thick coat of the scrub on your face and massage it with circular strokes for 2 to 5 minutes. Now wash the scrub off with slightly warm water and pat it dry softly.
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